Safavieh Kids Shag Collection Ivory and Multi Area Rug Review - Outstanding Construction Quality

Safavieh Kids Shag Collection Ivory and Multi Area Rug Review - Outstanding Construction Quality

Safavieh has long been known for specializing ina variety of home decorating items, which includes their exceptional shag rug collection with remarkable color patterns and design quality fit for any home. Their consistent excellence in craftsmanship and unrivaled signature style is mostly what makes their finest rug selections a constant crowd favorite.

Safavieh Kids Shag Collection Ivory and Multi Area Rug - Extremely Detailed & Colorful Design

The expertly power-loomed construction gives you a floor furnishing piece that will last you a great while. The high-density, plush polypropylene yarn falling victim to possible messes, scratches, and the like due to everyday use is truly inevitable. But the resilient nature of this soft, long-lasting material can conveniently make up for it anytime.

In addition, these synthetic materials used mainly in Safavieh rugs are incredibly easy to care for and to keep clean! After being exposed to dust particles, dirty shoes, or a naughty pet, a consistent spot cleaning and vacuuming routine will save the overall rug appearance for you!

The Safavieh Ivory and Multi Area Rug exclusively from the Kids Shag Collection features an undeniably eye-catching model design and color motif that is easily loved by most people. The careful but smart choice of vivid colors to integrate into the said rug piece is both pleasing and fresh to the eyes. The pattern design is fashionably elaborate without being too over the top at the same time.

Its beautifully crafted signature style proves to be a must-have for your next interior decoration items shopping list. The proud and loud statement this rug piece makes just screams high quality and fabulously modern all in one! If this is what you're currently looking for, then take no time to hesitate!

Safavieh Kids Shag Collection Ivory and Multi Area Rug - Underfoot Comfortability and Feel

From the superb rug material to professional workmanship, the underlying comfort of this rug piece easily falls to no question. The 2" pile height that rises from the backing provides a warm and luxurious feel as well. This is considerably a much-appreciated quality for area rugs that most people are aiming for.

To put it simply, the SGK569A Ivory rug model measures 8'6 x 12'. This makes it a rather safe option to go for with it being able to fit in any area desired. From the living room, bedroom, and playroom to a whole lot of other spaces you find suitable in your home, you simply can't go wrong with a rug size like so. This will effortlessly become your favorite choice among other centerpiece area rugs available. 

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